Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
thenameofthehorse THE THIRD FACECIUT89.5FM
Nothing beats waking up these days, and no one wakes the horse up but me. Hello horse. I own the garden you trample and the highway you drive down. I own the blackberry you threw away but not the iPhone 7 that you were playing tetris on when the sun went down for the last time. It would soon rise again but you did not know this yet. Nothing can be proven except the tattoos on the back of our teeth. If no one has seen them they thrive and are beautiful. The horse wakes up earlier than I do, but I do not affect it and I didn't catch its name before it left town. Yet I will still take blurry pictures of it when it comes back, and I will paint vivid images awaiting its return.
The 8 am slump every Saturday on CIUT 89.5FM:
playlist for this week: