Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Jan 27th- Signstealers,astroboys,blindciutingeyedogs, and personality hir3s
What do sign stealers, astro boys, blindciuting eye dogs and personality hires all have in common? None of them are real. Truthfully, the answer to any question I ask is quite simple. This week's question was no different: If you had to, what would you steal from someone close to you that you had to wear on a necklace for the rest of eternity in front of them? All the world would be a stage for your insolence, and would your close friend or family remember to believe in your theatrical betrayal of them? People will forget what you've stolen from them, but they won't forget how you made them feel. I read that on a classroom wall one time in 3rd grade.
Tune in for more multiple of 3 grade questions and answers and wisdom. Next week is 6th and 9th grade, then the week after that 12th grade, so I guess were running out of answers for you all on the THird face on CIUT 89.5fm Saturday at 8am!!!