Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
3rdface-nothingbbbeatswabbkingup(unexpected letters from smiling friends);4_6_24
Sends a tingle downyour spine and sends me down a deep decline the third faceplaying barre chords at the face of dawn. Still sneaking mirrors in front of thingsand stealing the things behind them while you look at yourself inawehorror. The best distraction from your problems is you becauseyoucant be sure who made theproblemsyet, they are designer problemscreated by ralphboss and hugolauren and baleineenciage, the whale company. We maketoo much money tobeworried about this style don't we?/ This week we focus on waking up, as is always the tertiary mode of the third face. First thing when you wake up is brushing your baleine. Then you knowck the little shrimps off your back. They are called symbiotic relationships but I never signed up to help them. The little shrimp want to live on my back and eat the bacteria to help me but I like the bacteria better than them. This is the life of a drug dealer... Whalehuffs and puffs and blows the beach down. I need to get back to brushing my baleine be right back.
The third face every Saturday morning 8am
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