Thursday Feb 20, 2025

3rdface Feb. 19th2025-YAKSubwayannouncements, locustssooncome... don'tbelievemebelieveurself

The crowds of the curious came home one day from their searching on the subway for clues. They were searching for real clues, not blues clues or one-word jokes written on the wall in permanent ink. The one-word jokes are the best ones because they are very hard to make and they leave an impression! Usually, they involve food or something immediately relatable, but then they delve into pure pleasure wording which is another genre of one-word things. I am always trying to do less with more, that's why I study the one-word order and their epic line and dynasty of feeling and success. Feeeeling and success are both words that go together well but they have to be by themselves to have true power. That's the power of the individual spirit, you have to be by yourself to be truly powerful. Like Iron Man or Superman, they were all by themselves and they were happy :)), get right with us every Wednesday at 3-4 pm on CIUT89.5FM WE'RE STILL GOING I KNOW RIGHT WOWWWWWWWWWW... BOILTHAT DUSTSPECK..!!!!!

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