
7 days ago
7 days ago
This story is dedicated to all the people who send mail from places with fake addresses. And also all the package thieves, keep going, I'm your only fan and overlord. Bring me all the letters and packages, and I will make sure they return to their rightful owner after I read through all of them and get all your secrets. Sad thing is that no one sends letters anymore, so it would mostly be spam and information from TD bank. I hate TD bank, they're the worst. So I couldn't put a number on how many secrets I would glean from 100,000 letters. I don't even know if I would get one love letter in 1000000 stolen ones, isn't that a sad thought :((( Package thieves need to learn about love too guys ....
This is the Swedish story forest show,
get right with me every Wednesday, 3-4 pm, I hate saying that, I wish it were Saturday, but it's the same vibe on every weekday,

Thursday Feb 20, 2025
Thursday Feb 20, 2025
The crowds of the curious came home one day from their searching on the subway for clues. They were searching for real clues, not blues clues or one-word jokes written on the wall in permanent ink. The one-word jokes are the best ones because they are very hard to make and they leave an impression! Usually, they involve food or something immediately relatable, but then they delve into pure pleasure wording which is another genre of one-word things. I am always trying to do less with more, that's why I study the one-word order and their epic line and dynasty of feeling and success. Feeeeling and success are both words that go together well but they have to be by themselves to have true power. That's the power of the individual spirit, you have to be by yourself to be truly powerful. Like Iron Man or Superman, they were all by themselves and they were happy :)), get right with us every Wednesday at 3-4 pm on CIUT89.5FM WE'RE STILL GOING I KNOW RIGHT WOWWWWWWWWWW... BOILTHAT DUSTSPECK..!!!!!

Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
This story speaks for itself I can't tell it any better than I did in this summary. Thank you for listening every Saturday morning at 8 am on ciut 89.5fm

Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
There's a typo in the title if you can spot it you get pennies on the dollar. I'll give you a penny for every time I make that joke or I do anything because pennies don't exist in Canada anymore. Also, since they don't exist they don't add up every time I do something. You might've thought you had a loophole because if I owe you multiple pennies then I would eventually owe you a bunch of money but that's not how it works don't be silly. Every penny is worthless so they don't add up at all its like that classic thing that the nerdy girl in your class says that 1 is equal to 0. But then she just starts talking about a bunch of math and it's stupid because they're not the same thing. Something is something and nothing is nothing. It isn't rocket science stupid. I don't hold it against her though.

Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
The picture tells the whole story for this one, its a whisper story with poker dog cheating in it.

Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
i was reading the script to this really great podcast I mean the live typewritten words and heard this great idea about putting wheels on a helicopter. That would basically be a flying car so your welcome its my idea. If everyone believes it who gets to say they said it first??

Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
If noone will tell you how to play poker, I will. You take your two cards and if you don't like them you throw a fit and everyone tells you to grow up. I tell them that I was dealt a bad hand of cards like the rappers say and then I make a metaphor about how I had to play the hand I was dealt. Then I find that I ran out of poker cards a long time ago. Instead I take a ball and give it to this man instead. Giving is better than receiving and throwing tantrums like a baby. Give back to the man please thank you.

Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
pretty ugly peter piper two words for you get a license to fish and then go fishing don
t do it in the ogre order the other order that would be bad bor fish business also known as standard business. Theres no such thing as fish or fishy business just business. Non fish people would have you think otherwise but this isn't true. Cartoon stock own s theis image consumer alert

Monday Jul 22, 2024
Monday Jul 22, 2024
Bingo bango bongo I never wanna leave Toronto, new song jus dropped. We will keep singing here on ciut 8999999.5fm keep on peopleing on pelpe you know the drill...
Dozer 4:
Back to the classmate's father. The father was headed to graduation and he was thinking of his son so he bought him a bouquet. The father was mumbling to himself because his wife had warned against sending a bouquet. "He wasn't getting married but he could still celebrate with flowers," the father mumbled. "The victors write history, but if the victors won for anyone else they wouldn't be victors." This is how people won their flowers. What this had to do with moving was anyone's guess. Dozer had yet to connect all of the pieces.
Dozer thought about the classmate's father and his beautiful quote, then thought about his own for a minute. Then he stopped and checked his mail downstairs. People loved leaving incomplete notes to each other, but never letters. Many letters weren't picked up in his apartment's mail shelf if you could call it that. It was more of a behemoth or a monster of thought that preyed on innocent passersby who thought that the monster must be for someone else. They walked by and kept dreaming. The pile of letters was only like this because of the city of Edmonton's dreadful mail service. They saved up letters and would not deliver them if no one answered the door the first time they knocked. Then, they would put all the undelivered letters back on their truck, go to the next house, and try again. Each time they would leave sticky notes stating that no one picked up the letter when they arrived and they put a giant John Hancock on the note so that no one could read the tiny government print explaining the noble mailman's position. The mailman stamped his name all over it so that we could know he created an unsolvable chaos and his message was received. In some ways, this was more important than the postcards and letters from loved ones.
The mail monster was waiting for Dozer just like it waited for everyone else, but he was not a daydreamer and not as imaginative as everyone who passed the mail by to go on with their day. They were imagining their lunch, or the men in boxes they would pass on the street, or the broken telephone booths lying in the lane. They had bigger problems than him that required bigger imaginations to solve them.

Monday Jul 22, 2024
Monday Jul 22, 2024
This is still the third face I'm thinking of changing from a dog to a pigeon let me know what you think in the comments section. I was the blind ciuting Eye dog but I feel at a loss like I'm not appreciated and won't be refrigerated when It's all over. That's why being a pigeon might be better y'know what I mean? Pigeoning is an honorable sport because we left the pigeons and now they trust us but we don't want them anymore. Isn't that a sad tale of human folly and existence? What will happen to us? What will happen to the empire's gold?
Dozer 3:
He thought he was moving dorms because his sister had found him another one to stay in on the north side of campus so they could be closer together. He found out that his sister had offered the room to a boy she had been sleeping with, but he didn't talk to her enough to have found out about this predicament beforehand.
Why couldn't people be chess pieces that moved around when you wanted them to but never moved quite well enough to put people in danger? The point of chess is to put the king in danger but he never seemed in danger to Dozer. The king was only told there was nowhere left to move and that seemed to be the end. Who says there wasn't another move to make? He is royalty after all and royalty is a noble and enterprising position for a young man to be in. None of the kings and queens ever got stuck the way he saw it. Their coffins were even moved from town to town in the old days. The oilers moved away the same way, but their name was still advertised and they were still heroes. Moving in and out of sight was the answer for Dozer. Yes, this was the answer he was looking for. If he could move out of danger and sight in the view of the right people he could change. But not for them, for himself of course. People were supposed to change for themselves.

The THIRD Face
CIUT's Ever-changing, often over-explained 8 am Saturday show. Listen on CIUT 89.5 FM live on your radio, TV, dialysis machine, or Personal computing device at ciut.fm's website. We've been all over the globe (the royal we) and Oui (The french oui) have found that Corpus Christi Texas is the greatest place ever. This is an unrelated statement to the goals of the Third Face. The true goal is distraction. You need either another hole in your head or eyes on the back of them to see what's coming next. The treasure of the Sierra Madre awaits, as well as a voucher to be a contestant on "WHO wants to be a mars millionaire??".